Mastering the Art of Car Washing: An Ultimate Guide

Mastering the Art of Car Washing: An Ultimate Guide

Having your car shine is an essential criterion for every car owner. However, it seems quite impossible to visit the car detailing center to achieve the same daily. To help with it, we are sharing an ultimate guide to help you with the basic car washing steps that can save you some bucks.

Washing a car just does not mean the use of soap and water. Instead, the process is a well-defined one with many precautions to take. Any kind of ignorance during the wash can cause damage to the vehicle. 

To start with the process, one can find a number of tips and guides to follow on the web. In order to save you time, here we share a simple yet perfect guide for you.

Cleaning a car does not just means dust clearance. It stands for discarding all of the contaminants from the exterior as well as the interior of the car. For easy understanding, refer to the steps below.

Start With Gaining Information

It might seem like a baseless step to follow. But if you want your whole car washing process to go swiftly, this is a must-step. Start learning about your car if it is your first time. Read the labels and instructions shared by the company. Look for the hidden signs in your car. Learn about the type of wheels you have and which type of material works best for them.

Also, try to gain some information about the products that will work best in your favor.

Gather Your Equipment

After learning about the washing process and the equipment, it is very essential to have all the things gathered in one place before starting off with the car wash. Some of the essential things required for the car wash are car washing liquid, a water connection (or a few buckets of clean water), multiple dry microfibre materials, a car wash mitt, and some glass cleaner.

Prepare Your Vehicle

It is not a secret that water tends to evaporate fast in the sunlight and the same can be noticed on the hot surface. Hence, it is a big no to wash a hot car. Washing a hot car can lead to the faster evaporation of water and soap from the car surface which is capable of degrading the paint. 

One of the best practices to follow for a car wash is to move the vehicle under a shade and to a comfortable place where creating some mess will not be a problem. Another preparation required is to determine the condition of the vehicle. The amount of dust accumulated on it or any other contamination visible on the body needs to be noted. Only then we can give extra attention to those places to get them cleaned.

Plan the Wash

Out of the many techniques available on the web, the most preferred one is to start from the top. The basic reason behind it is that the water and dirt will move from top to bottom. 

Making an imaginary partition of the car and distinguishing it into multiple small areas will help to simplify the washing process. One can start with the imaginary part 1 to wash and dry and then can move up to other parts as per the plan.

Another important tip is to first clean the car wheels and then move to its body. The basic reason behind it is that if you wash the car body first and then move to its wheel, so by the time you will wash the wheels the body will dry up and there will be some water marks left on the car body by the wheel. Another reason is that the wheels are the grossest part of a car and starting from there will make the whole process more meaningful.

Start by the Wheels

Cleaning a wheel might take some time due to its direct contact and accumulation of dirt and debris in it. The best way to clean a wheel is to first learn about them. After knowing their type, we can easily go with the wheel cleaning product that goes best for them. 

Before the application of the car wheel cleaner solution, it is best advised to run off the clean water on the car wheels that will get rid of basic dust from it beforehand only.

Then start off with the application of wheel cleaning solution to let it sit for some time and then wash it again with pressure water or a hose as per your availability. Also, do read the instructions given on the wheel cleaning solution to get the desired result from it.

Move On to the Car Body

The best way to clean a car is by the use of two bucket system. One of the buckets contains soapy water and the second bucket is filled with clean water. 

First start with the application of soapy water through a car wash mitt on the imaginary part 1 and then clean it with clean water to be then dried by the use of a microfibre towel.

Repeat the same process for other parts too.

Dont Forget the Glasses

Cleaning the glasses is also another task that takes extra attention. The most important part of car windows is the use of cleaner. Using any ordinary cleaner for the glasses can somewhere possess the risk of damaging them. Hence, it is best recommended to use a specialized car window cleaner to achieve the best result with minimum risk.

Headlights for the Shine

Cleaning headlights is an easy task that does not need any extra steps but will be washed with the body. However, it is a very important part of a car wash. Clean them well, as blurry headlights can instantly degrade the appearance. So remember to make them shine for you to shine on the road.


Achieving a shiny car requires following a well-defined washing process. By following this guide, you can wash your car like a pro, ensuring it shines and remains in excellent condition without having to visit a car detailing center regularly.

If you still find it troublesome to wash your car, we are always there to help you out with our mobile car detailing service. Click here to contact us.

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